Lowongan Management Trainee PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk Desember 2021

PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk (Perseroan) merupakan bagian Tempo Grup yang awalnya bernama PT PD Tempo pada 3 Nopember 1953 dibidang perdagangan produk farmasi. Perseroan dibentuk melalui proses restrukturisasi pada 1991 dan semula Perseroan bernama PT Scanchemie yang pada 1970 memulai kegiatan produksi komersial produk farmasi dalam skala besar. Perseroan melalui entitas anaknya juga memproduksi produk kosmetik dan produk konsumen sejak 1977.

Saat ini PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk kembali membuka lowongan kerja sbb

1. Management Trainee Distribution & Finance Division

Qualifications :

Age maximum 25 years old (S1) or 27 years old (S2)
Minimum Bachelor degree from industrial Engineering/Information System/Information Technology from reputable university with minimum GPA 3.00
Fresh Graduate/have maximum 2 years of job experience
Actively involved or organizational activities
Excellent with Microsoft Office and general computer skills
Willing to be located nationwide

2. Management Trainee Manufacturing Division

Qualifications :

Age maximum 25 years old (S1) or 27 years old (S2)
Minimum Bachelor degree from Engineering (Industrial/Mechanical/Chemical/Electro/Technology) & Pharmacy/Apothecary from reputable university with minimum GPA 3.00
Fresh Graduate/have maximum 2 years of job experience
Actively involved or organizational activities
Excellent with Microsoft Office and general computer skills
Willing to be located nationwide


Link: https://www.rekrutmen.net/2021/12/lowongan-management-trainee-pt-tempo.html

Link Utama: https://www.temposcangroup.com/id/career/detail/marketing/118